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Ted Cruz Picks Fight with Trevor Noah

Texas Senator Ted Cruz currently finds himself in a war of words with Daily Show host Trevor Noah after the 50-year-old shared his displeasure for one of the segments on the show.

Noah was discussing the Congressional reapportionment due to population shifts in the U.S. which caused New York to lose a U.S. House seat; meanwhile, Texas picks up two.

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The segment didn’t necessarily mention Cruz by name but did show a photo of the Texas senator to explain why birth rates are falling. However, that joke didn’t sit well with Cruz, who responded on Twitter.

“Trevor Noah whines that people are fleeing high-tax blue states & moving in droves to low-tax states like Texas, where the jobs are,” Cruz tweeted. “Doesn’t understand why people like freedom.”

It didn’t take long for Noah to respond on Twitter, and the comedian decided to use the fleeing and Texas against Cruz. “Not sure I’d be using the words “fleeing” and “Texas” in the same sentence, Senator Cancun,” Noah tweeted.

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Cruz wouldn’t let Noah have the last word has the senator would respond to the Daily Show host’s joke. “I wear your scorn with pride. I remember when the Daily Show was funny,” Cruz tweeted.

Then former Daily Show host Jon Stewart came in to play the moderator role in this Twitter beef between Noah and Cruz. “Ummm … you remember last night?? Bravo,” Stewart tweeted. The Texas senator responded to Stewart’s initial tweet. “See? That was funny. Not true, but funny. (The show was much better when the host wasn’t an angry, woke, partisan scold.).”

Noah would eventually have the last word in his Twitter beef with Cruz. “And with that, Ted Cruz has officially fought back harder against a tweet from a late-night show than he ever did when Trump called his wife ugly,” Noah tweeted.

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Eduardo Razo
Eduardo Razo
Eduardo Razo is the Assistant Content Editor for BNM, which includes writing daily news stories on the news media industry. He can be found on Twitter @eddierazo_ or you can reach him by email at

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