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KFI Host Reacts to NY Times Piece on Climate Change

Los Angeles radio hosts John Kobylt and Ken Chiampou reacted Monday to a climate change article printed in the New York Times which describes a mega storm that could last for a month.

The KFI Radio hosts described the article written by Raymond Zhong as an “odd story.” 

“When I saw it on the front page of the actual printed paper, I was like we are being hit over the head with a drought,” said Chiampou. “Now you’re telling us that we’re going to drown?” 

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Zhong wrote that a storm of this magnitude could cause more economic damage than a massive earthquake. 

Kobylt pointed out that the same report was published in the Los Angeles Times

“They (media) really go for these frightening stories so they can continue pushing their global warming obsession,” he added. 

The report states that the amount of rain predicted during this mega storm could test the levees, dams, and rivers in the state’s systems. 

John and Ken suggested that the New York Times may have received federal grant money to research this report. 

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“From what I have read, if you’re doing climate research you aren’t allowed to research anything other than global warming, climate change disaster,” Kobylt said. “If you do any research that pushes back on what the cult says, then you are out of business.” 

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