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Keith Olbermann: Dinesh D’Souza Book ‘Pile of Crap’

Conservative filmmaker and author Dinesh D’Souza has turned his documentary film 2,000 Mules into an upcoming book, but a snafu allowed the book to be sold earlier than anticipated, which liberal podcast host Keith Olbermann found amusing.

During his Countdown with Keith Olbermann podcast Tuesday, the eponymous host mocked D’Souza and his publisher for the error.

“The Dinesh D’Souza pile of crap in a book cover called 2,000 Mules has been recalled by the publisher. Regnery, the vanity press for the fascist-set, has put out an alert to all booksellers. A full recall with a big red exclamation point on it. It got to Walmart and from Walmart to author Nancy Levin with Regnery saying it was ‘erroneously published too soon’. That 2,000 Mules named Dinesh D’Souza was not supposed to come out today, but rather October 25th. Could you not make up a a better excuse for this? My god. To steal an old Chevy Chase Saturday Night Live joke, they will skip the traditional paperback edition and go to one printed directly on confetti.”

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According to Regnery’s website, the book is slated to be published in November of this year.

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