Thursday, September 26, 2024
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Dana Loesch: ‘I’ve Had Some Issues With Matt Taibbi in the Past’

Matt Taibbi and his profile have grown exponentially since last Friday’s revelation of the “Twitter Files”, released by Taibbi, that alleges the social media company colluded with the Biden Presidential Campaign to suppress negative stories about the now-President and his son, Hunter. Conservative radio host Dana Loesch said Taibbi’s about-face from his previous political positions is an interesting one, noting her past history with the journalist.

“I’ve had some issues with Matt Taibbi in the past,” Loesch said. “In fact, one of my first big Twitter fights was with Matt Taibbi. And it was on CNN, interestingly enough. The back and forth that I had with him — because he went along with a lot of the media stuff. It was about the Tea Party stuff. And he was saying ‘The Tea Party is racist, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera’ and we had this huge fight.

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“And I think over the span of the last 10 years and he watched the left go further and further left, that it became evident to him that he could not follow. There was not a path that he could follow.”

Loesch supported Twitter releasing the files compiled by the company, and welcomed more transparency from the social media platform encouraged new owner by Elon Musk.

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