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Danny Parkins Reviews Matt Spiegel Calling Cubs Games

It was a short version of Parkins & Spiegel on 670 The Score in Chicago on Monday. The show had to get out of the way for a Cubs spring training game. Danny Parkins made sure there was plenty of time to review the performance of his partner in the broadcast booth.

Matt Spiegel is in Arizona with the Cubs. He will call four spring training games for the team’s radio broadcast. He has called two already and Parkins noticed that one thing Spiegel has been great at is reminding people that he is on The Score every afternoon. He called Spiegel called “the king of the plug”.

“I am looking forward to celebrating him and mocking him,” Danny Parkins said in teasing that Spiegel would be joining him later in the hour. “That is what true friends do.”

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When Matt Spiegel did join the show, he made it clear immediately that he had heard his colleague’s earlier critiques.

“I was feeling pretty good until I heard you guys busting my balls 12 minutes ago,” Spiegel said. “Then I’m like ‘Oh, that’s right! I’m just an afternoon jamoke pretending he’s a big league broadcaster,’ so you did a nice job bringing me back down to size, which I think is your job.”

Danny Parkins and crew played a montage of Matt Spiegel using the word “spanks” over and over to describe a hit. Spiegel acknowledged that he needed to expand his vocabulary.

Parkins clarified that he is happy Spiegel gets to live out a dream at spring training. He even got to call a walk-off home run for the Cubs on Sunday.

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