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Buck Sexton: Conservative Media Deserves Credit for Hunter Biden Story

Clay Travis and Buck Sexton claim that CNN’s Brian Stelter has changed his position on the legitimacy of the Hunter Biden laptop story. The duo analyzed how Stelter is shifting the narrative during their nationally syndicated radio show on Monday. 

Travis said he was shocked when he heard Stelter discuss the possibility that Hunter Biden may be under federal investigation. 

“Mr. Potato Head. Brian Stelter, he actually said on his show over the weekend,” said Travis. “You know what? There’s something to this Hunter Biden story.” I was stunned when I heard this,” Travis said via the show’s official website. 

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Sexton said conservative media should get credit for breaking the Biden laptop story. 

“It’s always, “Oh, I guess they’re not total liars over there and a bunch of jerks,” Sexton said. “They actually got it right. They never give any credit. And we’re right on this stuff all the time.” 

“Stelter is part of a whole movement over at CNN toward. “People say, “Oh, they’re moving back toward the center,” or, “They’re moving back toward more of a journalistic enterprise.” The reality is that they’re moving back toward or they’re moving in the direction of what conservative media has been saying now all along, especially about everything with Biden,” he added.

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