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Dom Giordano: Philadelphia Inquirer ‘Ideology’ Reason For Subscriber Loss

1210 WPHT host Dom Giordano interviewed a mother of student in the Central Bucks School District after she pushed back on certain COVID-19 restrictions the district had instituted for the 2021-2022 school year. Giordano was flabbergasted at the lack of coverage from The Philadelphia Inquirer.

“Some of it ideology. Some of it is their news judgement. No wonder why their circulation is down 550,000 from the big Sunday paper that no longer exists. They don’t think it’s a story that right here in Bucks County — and I know they’re trying to reach suburban readers — Dr. David Damsker, it appears, did not write that memo saying open the school with all those restrictions.”

The Bucks County Communications Director, Eric Nagy, reportedly altered a memo from the doctor to change his guidance on how the school should operate. Bucks County GOP chair Pat Poprik is now asking for the resignation of Nagy.

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Giordano noted conservative outlets National Review and Judicial Watch have picked up the story while The Inquirer remains mum.

Giordano also added, in full disclosure, he writes a column for the Delaware Valley Journal.

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