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Michael Berry: Fox News Can’t Be Criticized For Trump Coverage If They Ignore Him

Fox News has been criticized by MSNBC host Joe Scarborough for “trashing America” to defend former President Donald Trump. However, Michael Berry believes the network is ignoring the story as part of a bigger play.

During The Michael Berry Show Thursday, the Houston-based host questioned why other cable news networks were so interested in Trump’s latest indictment and arraignment, but Fox News wasn’t going to similar wall-to-wall coverage.

Berry surmised it’s because Fox News is cognizant of its current status with conservatives at large.

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“I don’t like to rush to make a judgment about a story when they’ve not revealed all the details. I’d like to think that’s what Fox News was doing in this case. Except they don’t seem to want to cover Donald Trump. And you know why? Because by not covering him, you can’t criticize what they cover,” argued Berry.

“Because if they cover it as, ‘Hey, he’s going to prison you better get behind DeSantis’, two-thirds of the Republican voters are mad at Fox. And they need those people, right? If they defend Trump — they don’t want to defend Trump. They don’t like Trump and they’re not going to defend him. So they choose to ignore him.”

Fox News featured extensive coverage of Trump’s indictment earlier this week. John Laura, an attorney for the former president, appeared on Special Report with Bret Baier after the indictment was announced. It also featured several conversations with legal scholars about the validity of the latest legal issues for the Republican frontrunner.

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