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Mike Greenberg: ‘Chris Mortensen is on the Mt. Rushmore of ESPN Personalities’ 

After news this week broke that longtime ESPN NFL insider Chris Mortensen would be retiring, several of his colleagues at the network offered reflections on the impact Mortensen made in his more than three decades of service.

Host Mike Greenberg said if you were putting together a Mount Rushmore of ESPN personalities, Chris Mortensen would absolutely be on it.

“You hear all the time, ‘So and so is great at their job but they’re an even better person,'” Greeny said this week on Get Up. “The most obvious example of that I’ve ever known is Chris Mortensen.”

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NFL Live host Laura Rutledge said that Mortensen’s kindness was a standout quality of his.

“He was so kind to me for absolutely no reason other than the fact he is a kind man and a wonderful person,” she said. “He endorsed my credibility and paved a lot of the way for me.”

Dan Orlovsky added Chris was one of the people at ESPN he wanted to be like.

“He is one of those people you try to emulate when you get into this industry because it’s cutthroat and it’s tough,” he said. “His authenticity and being such a good man was something that was super gravitating.”

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