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Steve Cochran: It’s ‘Disturbing’ That We No Longer Trust Experts

We live in an increasingly divided world. Facts are often argued for validity, while opinions have become more prevalent in news. WLS 890 AM host Steve Cochran laments one avenue of media coverage.

Cochran welcomed NBC News and MSNBC legal analyst Barbara McQuade, who has authored a new book called Attack From Within: How Disinformation is Sabotaging America. In the discussion, Cochran noted that the lack of faith in people who are truly experts in subjects has been a downfall of American media.

“One of the things that’s really disturbing to me — and I think it’s at the core of the problem — is we no longer trust experts,” Cochran said. “And I always use the analogy if I get on a plane, I’m not going to tell the pilot ‘I watched a YouTube video, I think I can take it from here.’ But we don’t trust doctors, or we say we don’t. We don’t trust experts any more.”

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McQuade agreed, saying it’s a “really dangerous thing” before adding that hopefully talking about the issue will make news consumers understand how important it is to trust those with vast experiences.

Steve Cochran noted knowing what he doesn’t know has always been a strong suit.

“I don’t even know what stage I am in other than if you make the logical conclusion, and I’m giving you credit for logic, that no doctor is trustworthy or anybody that you heard because of a Facebook post isn’t trustworthy. How do I get you to the point where you at least consider they went to medical school, you didn’t. They know how to fly a plane, you don’t. I know how to be on the radio. I know how to do a talk show, you don’t. I mean, that’s the whole basis of society.”

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