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Dave Ramsey: I’ve Had to Learn to Not Answer Questions That Weren’t Asked

Dave Ramsey has made a living out of answering questions from people. But learning to not answer questions that weren’t asked was a bigger challenge.

During The Ramsey Show, the Ramsey Solutions founder shared that the lesson was a difficult, but important one to learn.

“You’re trying to change other people, and until they really want to change, you can’t do it. I do it for a living,” said Ramsey. “And I have had to learn that I don’t answer questions that aren’t asked. When you ask a question, I’m going to answer it. Because that’s my duty. But I’m not going to just walk up to people, start preaching at them, because that don’t do nothing.”

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He went on to share an anecdote of a friend who leased a new car — which Dave Ramsey rails against — bringing it to his home to show it off.

“He knows I think leasing cars (is) stupid. And he drove it up in front of my house. So what am I gonna do? Go ‘You’re stupid’? No, I said ‘great car.’ He didn’t ask my opinion!”

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