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Glenn Beck: I Want My Listeners to Question Everything I Say

In today’s political climate, the term “do your own research” is prevalent. Nationally syndicated host and Blaze Media founder Glenn Beck wants listeners of his show to follow that same mantra.

During The Glenn Beck Program, the host recently welcomed listeners from the other side of the political aisle to his program stating that he wants them to share their opinions on his program, and push back if they believe his incorrect in his stances.

“You may disagree, if you’re a new listener, to much of what I’m about to say. But that’s alright. We’re taught not to listen. We’re taught that you can’t disagree. Yes, you can. Yes, you can,” Beck reiterated. “In fact, it’s essential. It’s essential. Opposition in all things. But if you’re listening for the first time today, I would like you to do something that you’re not encouraged to do on either side. And that is, give me, as I give you, the benefit of the doubt.”

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He then added that — unlike some news/talk radio hosts — he doesn’t believe he is the end-all-be-all of a topic, and encourages those listening to his program to not just blindly follow the same things he believes or thinks.

“I don’t ask for your trust. I don’t want your trust. I’m a human. And I make mistakes all the time. I try to lead with my mistakes. If I make one, I try to let you know right up front. You know what I said yesterday, was wrong. Or I thought this through. Or somebody said something to me. And I think differently on it. I’ll lead with my mistakes. Because I don’t want you to trust me. I want you to do the same. I want you to question everything that I say. And then look it up for yourself.”

In the wake of the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, Beck believes that more conversations need to happen between political ideologies so each side can find common ground with one another. He hopes to do that on his show.

“Nobody is looking to do that. Nobody is really looking to learn anything new. I am,” he said.

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