Barrett Sports Media’s Top 20 Original Sports Podcasts of 2020


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After six days of BSM Top 20 madness, we’ve finally reached the finish line. To close out the series, we shift our focus today to the Top 20 Original Sports Podcasts of 2020. This is the most competitive category of all of our lists due to the sheer volume of content available. Given how this area of the audio business has exploded in recent years, it’s likely we’ll be giving even more attention to this space in the future.

If you read any of the prior lists, then you’re aware that Steve Stone Voiceovers was our sponsor for this year’s BSM Top 20 series. Feel free to shout him out on social media to say thank you, and if your station has a need for voice work in the future, Steve’s excellent to work with. I’ve also shared with you that my son Dylan Barrett handled all of the creative for this year’s Top 20 series. Being able to teach him how this process works and watch him apply himself was very cool. It’ll help him in the future as he dives into college and decides which professional path to take in life. Hopefully you guys like the way this year’s layout turned out.

For today’s final category, Original Sports Podcasts, here are a few things to know about the voting.

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#1 – These results are based solely on taste. There was no deep dive into total downloads, which shows retained audience longest, or who produced the most revenue. It was simply about talent, content, brand, relevance, success, and originality. Radio programmers and executives have their ear on radio programs daily. If they’re making time to listen to a podcast given everything else they have on their plate, it means the host/show has done something to cut thru. As I’ve said before, this isn’t a perfect science, but it’s the best system we can think of to showcase the best in sports audio.

#2 – Our executive panel consists of program directors and corporate executives from a number of top broadcasting companies including Entercom, iHeart, Cumulus, ESPN Radio, FOX Sports Radio, SiriusXM, Spotify, Hubbard, Good Karma Brands, Emmis, and independently owned and operated radio stations. We involve a large number of groups in order to receive feedback from all parts of the country, as well as to avoid the results heavily favoring one company. BSM President Jason Barrett does not vote, he simply presents the results.

#3 – A total of 110 original podcasts were eligible for voting consideration. Executives also had the opportunity (if they wished) to add other titles to the list.

And that brings us to the rankings for this year’s Original Sports Podcasts of 2020. After taking the crown in 2018, and relinquishing it last year, Barstool Sports’ ‘Pardon My Take‘ featuring Dan ‘Big Cat’ Katz and PFT Commenter are once again the kings of digital sports audio. PMT won the category this year in convincing fashion, earning the most first place votes with fourteen (14), and holding a commanding ninety nine (99) point lead over runner up ESPN Podcasts ’30 For 30′. BSM congratulates Big Cat, PFT, Erika Nardini, Dave Portnoy and the entire Barstool Sports crew on being chosen as the best original sports podcast of 2020.

Now, here are the full results of “BSM’s Top 20 Original Sports Podcasts of 2020!”

Additional Notes:

  • Pardon My Take received fourteen (14) first place votes, 30 for 30 was next closest with five (5).
  • Spots 21-25 belonged to Mina Kimes ShowToken CEO, Spittin’ Chiclets, Talk Is Jericho and Men In Blazers.
  • The tightest races involved Peter KingAll The Smoke and Stupodity narrowly beating ESPN Daily, The Right Time w/ Bomani Jones and Wins & Losses w/ Clay Travis by one (1) point.
  • Of the 110 original sports podcasts eligible for voting consideration, seventeen (17) earned at least one (1) 1st place vote.
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