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Subway Shooting Survivor: I’m Never Riding the Train Again

Coverage of Frank James, the Brooklyn subway shooter, and his subsequent arrest played out across various cable news channels throughout the day Wednesday.

Leading up to the arrest of James, CNN spoke to Hourari BenKada who claimed to be sitting next to James on the subway. BenKada told host John Berman that the shooting on the subway made him “never want to ride the train ever again.”

Early Wednesday, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough interviewed Janno Lieber, MTA Chair and CEO, on “Morning Joe” to discuss some of the logistics of the investigation. Lieber explained that some of the cameras in the train station were not working at the time of the attack.

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Fox News ran an interview with a man named Zack Dahhan who spotted Frank James walking while watching security cameras in the East Village.

Dahhan, who is reportedly from Syria, told the cameras that “We don’t want any problem here in America because here my life is good.” Dahhan said he told people to stay away from James and flagged down nearby police.

Frank James, 62, was taken into custody after a 30-hour manhunt after one of the worst acts of violence in the subway’s history.

“We hope this arrest brings some solace to the victims and the people of the City of New York,” said NYPD Commissioner Keechant Sewell, announcing James’s detention.

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