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Bill Maher: NY Times Buried Brett Kavanaugh Story

Political commentator Bill Maher ripped the New York Times for its reporting, or lack thereof, on the alleged assassination plot against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
According to The Daily Wire, the “Real Time with Bill Maher” host pointed to a double standard in the media’s coverage on this issue. 

“If this had been a liberal Supreme Court justice that someone came to kill, it would have been on the front page,” he said. 

According to CNN, Nicholas John Roske, 26, of Simi Valley, California, called 911 twice in the early hours of Wednesday, telling the operator that he had a gun and other weapons in a bag and was having suicidal thoughts.

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“That’s what’s so disappointing about a paper like The New York Times, because they just wear their bias on their sleeves and they — ‘if it’s not part of something that feeds our narrative, f*** it. We bury it,” Maher said. 

The Times mentioned the alleged Kavanaugh assassination plot in small font at the bottom of the front page, which simply read, “Arrest Near Home of Justice.”

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