Freddie Coleman Mistakes J.T. Poston for Justin Thomas on ESPN Radio Interview


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Radio is one of the most grueling mediums to navigate daily. Coming up with content and guests to make multiple hours a day feel like a breeze is hard work. It’s no surprise when something slips thru the cracks and that’s what happened with ESPN Radio’s Freddie Coleman.

Coleman was filling-in this morning on Keyshawn, JWill & Max as lead host when he was set to welcome in Justin Thomas from the PGA Tour. The only problem, Justin Thomas wasn’t on the phone. J.T. Poston was waiting when Coleman opened up the conversation.

“It’s always cool to talk to a two-time major champ when it comes to golf, especially when the golfer has gotten a lot of attention when it comes to on and off the course. He is Justin Thomas …I got to ask you about something you put on Twitter seven days ago, and I quote, ‘When in the car do y’all ever kinda hope somebody doesn’t abide by driving rules so you get an excuse to honk your horn? I mean, it doesn’t happen often. But when I’m in a horn honking mood, dang it feels nice to lay on that thing. I can’t be alone here right???’ What led up to that Justin?”

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“Guys, there might be a mix-up. This is J.T. Poston not Justin Thomas. (laughs) I get this all the time, the other J.T. I don’t know you might have to ask him.”

Coleman rebounded with, “My mistake, my brother, my mistake on that one.”

Poston had a sense of humor about it, posting later on Twitter about it.

Coleman was a good sport on his own, retweeting Poston’s tweet with a good natured appreciation tweet of his own.

Poston did have a good enough reason to be on the show. He did just win the John Deere Classic wire-to-wire and preparation for he and others is ongoing for The Open Championship next week. That is in fact where Coleman, and 18-year pro at ESPN Radio, pivoted to. The interview went very well once identities were confirmed.

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