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Dana Loesch Recounts Tenure as The View Co-Host

Conservative talker Dana Loesch reflected on her one-time co-hosting “The View” during a segment on her nationally syndicated show Tuesday. 

“I remember the first time I guest hosted the show, Barbara Walters was there, and she hated me,” said Loesch. “It was back when Jenny McCarthy was still with them, and McCarthy was just wonderfully sweet.”

Loesch said during the episode, they were playing a video of her shooting a gun when Walters made a snide remark to her.

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“Walters asked me if I enjoyed shooting,” Loesch said, inferring her tone was disingenuous. “I just kind of looked at her and gestured toward the screen and said I guess.”

Loesch accused Walters of “marginalizing” her and claimed the entire experience was “weird.”

“It didn’t really work out. But they’re not like that anymore,” Loesch said. “I think they have some new producers; the show is not like it was.”

Loesch added that “The View” was originally created to bring all sorts of different viewpoints together.

“Now the only acceptable Republican is one who is really not,” she added.

Loesch referenced Florida Gov. Ron Desantis who recently opted not to appear on the show citing past negative comments made by some of its hosts. 

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