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Jesse Kelly: Media Reported ‘Outright Lie’ About Donald Trump’s Passports

During his Tuesday edition of I’m Right with Jesse Kelly, Kelly said the media, in collusion with the FBI reported “outright lies” about whether or not the Bureau had taken former President Donald Trump’s passports during their raid on his Mar-a-Lago residence.

“They took Trump’s passports. Not only did they take Trump’s passports, the media ran with the story that they didn’t take Trump’s passports,” Kelly said. “But wait there’s more. We now have confirmation, courtesy of the release from Trump, that the FBI not only did take the Trump passports they are now giving him a place and a time to go pick up the passports saying ‘Whoopsie. It was a mistake’.

“But let’s focus on the media part here really quickly. Trump comes out and says ‘The FBI took my passports’. The FBI — somebody at the FBI/DOJ (Department of Justice) — gets ahold of their media friends. ‘Let me send a quick text message. No we didn’t, he’s lying!’ Media immediately begins to run with the story. Pushing an outright lie before any confirmation and then it turns out, once again, Trump was right all along.

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The Jesse Kelly Show host then went on to say the FBI works other avenues to build a narrative based on falsehoods.

“You see, we have a system completely built on lies. And this is the problem. It’s way beyond the DOJ and FBI. The DOJ (and) FBI, they work with the media, they work with the entertainment system, they work with the politicians. Everyone works together to constantly push lies on you and me.”

Kelly previously said he “wouldn’t believe a single word” of what the FBI or media reported about the raid on Mar-a-Lago, noting he will probably believe any evidence found was planted or is being fabricated.

“That’s not me being a cynic. You can’t lie to me time and time and time and time and time again and then come to me and say ‘Hey, I have something. You gotta believe me’. That’s not how that works.”

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