Twitter announced on Thursday that it had begun testing an edit feature. The platform has never allowed users to edit posts in the past. If you were unhappy with the way you worded a statement, the only options were to edit, rewrite and repost or to simply live with the mistake.
An edit button has been the subject of much debate with the “very online” community coming down strong on both sides. The sports media, one of Twitter’s most active user groups, had plenty of thoughts. Most of them negative.
There are parameters for the new feature. The edit button has a thirty-minute window. After that, Twitter will not let users change their post. The rule is meant to make it impossible for misinformation spreaders and others that violate Twitter’s terms of service to claim they did not do anything wrong.
No timetable for the test has been announced. Twitter also has not made it clear what engineers are looking for in order to determine if the feature becomes permanent.