Boomer Esiason and Craig Carton were paired in mornings on WFAN for a decade, so it’s safe to say the pair know each other quite well. After Carton took offense to something Esiason said earlier in the week, the former NFL quarterback pointed out his former co-host has a history of remembering things.
A phone caller asked Esiason if he had any thoughts about what Carton said about him, and Esiason went to the offensive.
“Just so you know, we listen to them and they listen to us,” Esiason said. “Well I don’t know if Craig listens to us anymore. He’s doing some show somewhere — I’m not really sure where it is — but he’s doing a show somewhere in the morning. Anything that’s said here on the radio station gets to us…we love Craig, and we want Craig to do well.”
The question from the caller came after Gregg Giannotti was late to the morning show earlier in the week, and Carton & Roberts were surprised Boomer Esiason didn’t say the last time his co-host was late, he never saw him again, alluding to Carton being “late” for the show after his 2017 arrest for securities and wire fraud.
“He’s keeping receipts, he’s got a long memory,” Esiason said.
“People who have wronged him, he remembers,” Al Dukes said.
“How did I wrong him?,” Esiason countered. “Didn’t I do his documentary? Didn’t I give him nice quotes when he was away? Didn’t I give him nice quotes when he came back? Didn’t I call them up on their first day and say ‘You guys will be number one before you know it? I guess we don’t remember those things.”
“Nothing but support,” Giannotti quipped.
“I mean, I bought him mackerel when he was in prison. I tried to continue to do that but they wouldn’t take my credit card anymore,” Esiason revealed.
“What, is there like a mackerel quota?”, Giannotti asked.
“You could only give — I think — you could only give $300 a month,” Esiason said.
“And you were exceeding that in mackerel?”, Giannotti countered.
“I don’t know what all it entailed, all I know is that for the first three or four times there was no problem and then the next time I went on it kept declining, declining, declining. I have no idea why,” Esiason said.
“Maybe he didn’t want your mackerel,” Giannotti pondered. “Maybe he was like, ‘I don’t need this mackerel anymore. You’ve wronged me. That’s probably what he was saying. Holding a grudge.”
“That’s the thing. He likes to hold grudges,” Esiason concluded. “Then he has to go see his therapist to talk about all that stuff. And I wouldn’t say that, unless he had said that on the radio. And he’s said that on the radio.”