Schopp And The Bulldog: What Happened to Player Shows?


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The player or coach show trend of the 1980s and 1990s no longer exists, for the most part, which WGR hosts Schopp and The Bulldog lamented Wednesday.

“There were player shows. Are there player shows? Is there a Josh Allen Show? Or is there a Tim Settle Show?”, Mike Schopp asked.

“I don’t know about all that. McDermott is on the radio. I think there’s a TV show, but it’s not something I go seeking out,” Chris “The Bulldog” Parker said. “I don’t know that they do them like they used to. In those days, those shows went places. They were on location all the time. That’s why there’s that video of Marv (Levy) singing ‘Go Bills’ in front of a crowd. They would pull 50 people and put them in a studio and here’s the Marv Levy show.”

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“Why can’t that work anymore?”, Schopp said.

“I don’t know. Maybe because the teams feel like they just want to control the message themselves and they don’t need the media to do all that?”, The Bulldog pondered.

The pair then reminisced about all the “shows” they had throughout their radio careers.

“Listen, I did The Eric Moulds Show, The Antowain Smith Show, The Jeff Burris Show,” Bulldog said. “I had a Jeff Burris show. That might be it as far as regular, weekly shows. And those shows were almost every week.”

“I had a Wade Phillips show, a Rob Johnson show in Rochester,” Schopp remembered. “The Wade Phillips Show, that can’t be called a show. That was like a 15-minute call in.”

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