Charlie Kirk: Media Only ‘Loves Democracy’ When Liberals Win


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Many news organizations have reported that Giorgia Meloni has won the Prime Minister role of the Italian government. Many have also pointed out Meloni’s far-right views, some going as far to call her a “neo-fascist”. Conservative radio host Charlie Kirk used this as a “case-in-point” argument that the media doesn’t love democracy as much as it claims.

Kirk said Meloni “runs a party that is now being smeared and maligned by the entire Western press as fascist and right-wing. In fact, front page of The Wall Street Journal, ‘Italy’s Right-Wing Coalition On Track to Win Election’. Front page of The Wall Street Journal. Many people in the media are comparing her to Benito Mussolini.

“They say ‘This is Mussolini’s party’, which I always find hilarious because the left and the media, they’re such big fans of democracy — whatever that word means, totally misrepresented, we’re a republic not a democracy — but Italy is truly much more a democracy than we are. They’re big fans of democracy until the people elect a right-wing government. ‘They’re fascists! We have to shut them down!’. They’re not actually fans of consent to the governed or representative government. No, instead, they’re fans of top-down control and totalitarianism, and despotism, and the shrinking of the voice of the commoner and the everyday man.”

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He then continued by pointing out the media is unintentionally pushing citizens to the “Parents Party”, a political movement which is “sweeping the globe”, that allows “the everyman to take on the global elites”.

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