Keith Olbermann: American Journalism ‘Re-Invented’ During Trump Presidency


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During his Countdown with Keith Olbermann podcast Friday, the former cable news host slammed a recent opinion from Politico’s John Harris that Americans need more journalists like Maggie Haberman, among others.

Olbermann has been critical of Haberman’s decision to withhold important facts in relation to the former President Donald Trump and save them for her upcoming book rather than report them in The New York Times.

“What Harris does not understand is American ‘journalism’ did re-invent itself,” Olbermann said. “The overwriting principle used to be: get a scoop, get in the paper or on the air as soon as possible because that’s your job, and that’s your only actual value to society as well. It is also — and I speak as somebody who broke a lot of sports news including the Wayne Gretzky trade and Michael Jordan’s first dalliance with a comeback — it is the joy of doing the journalism. You have the story, and nobody else does!”

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He continued by saying Harris and Haberman believe the point of American journalism is not to inform the public but rather how much money you can make in the process.

Haberman’s book “Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America” is expected to hit bookshelves on Tuesday, October 4th.

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