94 WIP Brand Manager Rod Lakin joined Angelo Cataldi on his show Thursday morning for a wide-ranging discussion. Lakin recently celebrated one year on the job at 94 WIP, and Cataldi peppered him with questions about how Philadelphia compares to Phoenix, where Lakin worked as the Program Director of Arizona Sports 98.7 FM.
Near the end of the conversation, Cataldi brought up his impending retirement, which he says he’ll leave when the Eagles season is over, or when they’re no longer in contention, whichever happens first.
“Alright, Rod, moment of truth here,” Cataldi cautioned Lakin. “I did warn him I was gonna ask him this because how can I have on our boss — I get literally dozens or hundreds in a week saying ‘Who the hell is gonna replace you?’ Rod Lakin, who is going to replace me and when the hell are you going to announce it?”
“I can’t make an announcement right now,” Lakin said. “I’ll just tell you it will be sooner rather than later. Sorry.”
“Are you answering the question?!”, Cataldi asked.
“I’m not gonna answer the question right now,” Lakin replied.
“My own boss said ‘no comment’!”, Cataldi shouted.
“I’ll say this. They’re big shoes to fill and we have to make sure we do our due diligence to make sure that we’re replacing a legend,” said Lakin.
“That’s awfully nice of you to say, Rod. It’s been a great year with you. It’ll be a great couple more months, and I’m assuming it’ll be soon,” Cataldi said. “I know a lot of people are dying to find out. And whoever it is, they will have my full support to do not quite as well as me but far better than any other station.”
The lighthearted nature of the conversation continued after listeners chanted co-host Rhea Hughes’ name, Cataldi told Lakin “I’m sure you’ll make the right call”.