Much has been made about the coverage surrounding Aaron Judge and his chase for the American League and New York Yankees franchise record for home runs in a single season. WFAN afternoon host Evan Roberts has had enough tiptoeing around what he viewed as the facts.
“I think that the term ‘American League record’ has been code languaged for a month,” Roberts said, while co-host Craig Carton shouted “Yes!”. “It’s a code language. No one truly cares about the American League record. But a broadcaster or a headline can’t say ‘the real record’ or ‘the clean record’, so we’ve been using this term — which is factually accurate, ‘It’s the American League record, It’s the Yankee record’ — as a way to say ‘This is historic’, when the truth is it’s not the record! But we don’t want to say ‘It’s the non-tainted record’, so we hide behind ‘It’s the American League record’.”
Carton added that Judge’s season can both be one of the greatest every put together by a Major Leaguer, while also still being 11 home runs shy of the all-time record, saying just because you want the history to be changed doesn’t make it changed.