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Megyn Kelly: Free Speech Is Under Attack

SiriusXM host Megyn Kelly said free speech is under attack in ways that people can’t even imagine. On Friday, Kelly discussed a case that the U.S. Supreme Court will soon hear regarding a website designer who refused services to an LGTBQ+ couple because of her religious beliefs. 

According to The Advocate, The Supreme Court the case which centers on Denver area graphic design artist Lorie Smith will decide if LGBTQ+ people are protected from discrimination in business or whether a business owner can refuse to serve a group of people based on religious beliefs. 

“This is one of the biggest cases this term,” said Kelly. “She (Smith) says that she has a religious exemption to designing websites for LGBTQ couples who are getting married because they do not align with her Christian faith.” 

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Kelly said this story is similar to a Supreme Court case involving Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, Colorado. Five years ago, the owner refused to design a wedding cake for a gay couple based on his religious beliefs. 

“This case is kind of the next iteration of that,” said Kelly. “This case could have huge implications on when the government or colleges taking government money can force you to say or do things that don’t align with your own beliefs.” 

“It’s happening more and more in America today,” she added. 

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