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Dana Loesch: MSNBC ‘Incredibly Desperate’ In Pandering To Base

A recent MSNBC segment discussion abortion rights caught the ire of conservative radio host Dana Loesch.

Loesch played a clip of MSNBC host Joy Reid hosting a panel with contributor Kurt Bardella where the pair mocked “white Republican men”, namely Senate candidate J.D. Vance (R-OH), saying they “have no idea how a baby is actually made”. Reid then added “Do they even know how to make a baby? I don’t think they do, and he (Vance) has kids!”

The radio host then made disparaging comments about the cable network.

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“They are incredibly desperate,” Loesch said. “That’s MSNBC. Nobody cares about any of these people.”

She then added that this period in American history will be remembered, but not fondly.

“Remember how we went through The Awakening? Everyone said ‘Oh this is the enlightenment period. This is The Great Awakening.’ This is The Sleepening (sic). We’re all going back to sleep. The Lulling. This is the lulling period. ‘These people don’t know how to have babies’? Neither do you. Keep your knees kissing until you do.”

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  1. I must be missing something regarding the comments by Dana Loesch – just how is what she said ‘disparaging’? The radio host then made disparaging comments about the cable network – this is the comment written by the BSM Staff!
    The disparaging comments are the one’s from MSNBC Joy Reid and Kurt Bardella regarding ‘white republican men and the Ohio Rep. Vance!
    Perhaps BSM needs to learn what ‘disparaging’ means, because clearly who ever wrote this story doe not. And to ‘editorialize it’ with that comment shows how even BSM is bias!

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