Keith Olbermann Mocks Lara Logan After Newsmax Ouster


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Newsmax has cut ties with contributor Lara Logan after she made strange assertations during an interview with Eric Bolling during The Balance earlier this week. Podcaster Keith Olbermann poked fun at Logan’s comments during his show Friday.

“Congrats on this hat trick, Lara,” Olbermann said. “Four years ago, she was the Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent for CBS News. Then she made up the Benghazi story, and they fired her. She drifted to Sinclair, then to Fox (News), where she made up the ANTIFA instructional manual story, and the palace of bricks story. Then this March she ended up on Newsmax as a regular on the show of Eric Bolling, who was also fired by Fox, and now they’ve fired her because…well…here’s part one of why the fired her.”

He then played the clip of Logan saying she uncovered a plan from a “global cabal” at the United Nations to allow 100 million illegal immigrants into the country to replace “patriots” in America, saying she was told about the plan by someone who had the documentation to prove it.

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“The global cabal wrote that down for you, did they Lara? As an aside, Lara Logan is an immigrant. Now she would have survived that portion of the ditzy great replacement delusion. It is Newsmax, after all,” Olbermann said before playing a clip of Logan saying an open border is “Satan’s way of taking over the world” and the world’s leaders “dine on the blood of children”.

“She was the lead guest on Eric Bolling’s show. You know who’s in the ‘B’ slot on the show? Bill O’Reilly,” Olbermann said as he chuckled, insinuating O’Reilly is a lesser guest.

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