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Barstool Sports CEO Erika Nardini Reflects On 6th Year With Company

Barstool Sports CEO Erika Nardini joined the company in 2016, and reflected on her tenure during the latest episode of The Dog Walk.

“I feel good,” Nardini said. “It’s always a crazy time here, but it’s a different year. We have the Penn thing — is kind of looming and coming up. Dave’s in Miami and you guys are gonna be huge here. So it’s a lot of change.

“But I do miss the old days, you know what I mean? When it was just us, and it was kind of small. There was so much to learn and so much to do and it was also so much simpler. And now it’s just big, which is awesome in its own right. We accomplished so much and we’re still accomplishing so much.”

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Nardini added as much as things have changed, they have stayed the same inside the company.

“I was saying to Eddie before we got on, I walk in here and it’s like ‘Somebody’s trashed the New York office’. I’d like to be like ‘Dave (Portnoy) and I are talking about strategy’. We’re more like ‘Did Tiko trash the office? Who was there at 3:00 AM?’ Which I love about Barstool Sports because that’s the same f—ing conversation Dave and I were having in 2016.”

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