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Buck Sexton: Bill Maher Can Make Sense of Current Events

Buck Sexton discussed Monday the sometimes-common sense commentary that HBO host Bill Maher offers. Specifically, his commentary on the success of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. 

“The reason DeSantis is so strong is because he can do the performance art to the base most of which I don’t know that it’s really damaging, ” said the “Real Time” host. “If he picks a fight with Disney, is it really that damaging?” 

“I think there’s some insight there from Bill Maher who is a lib,” Sexton said. “I always say this, just because he says it doesn’t make it true. He can be funny sometimes. You talk to him about climate change, and you might ask yourself, “How are you so delusional.” 

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“They called it the ‘Don’t say Gay Law,’ Maher added. “It could’ve been called the let’s do things in school law like we did five years ago,” he added. “He could do that but after a storm he can stand next to the President like a normal governor.” 

Maher added that DeSantis should run for president now.

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