Tyler Polumbus Defends Report on Russell Wilson Using Seattle Audibles After Broncos Denial


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Altitude Sports Radio host Tyler Polumbus created a firestorm surrounding the Denver Broncos this week after saying quarterback Russell Wilson was using audibles from his days with the Seattle Seahawks instead of those agreed upon by the Broncos.

On Thursday, Polumbus said media members have to walk a fine line while discussing information about NFL quarterbacks, and also adjusted some of his commentary.

“I knew it was a big story when I got the information. When stuff like that goes out there you want to be careful because you know it’s a big deal. I’m not surprised to hear — more or less — the denial is news to me. It didn’t confirm it. (Broncos Head Coach Nathaniel Hackett) definitely didn’t confirm it. It wasn’t a denial either. If there was one thing I could have changed, I wouldn’t have said he was losing his mind out there, because that implies it’s happening all the time. I don’t know that it’s happening all the time, but I know it happened and it’s been part of the chaos that’s been going on out there.”

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The story was covered by several national news outlets, and co-host Josh Dover said there wasn’t a scenario where Hackett came out and confirmed the information given to Polumbus.

“I stand by what I said,” Polumbus reiterated. “It’s not unusual for this sort of thing to happen. Your in one city for over a decade and you move to another one? There’s gonna be some muscle memory there. You’re gonna mess some things up.”

Dover then jokingly asked Polumbus if Wilson called his second wife — pop singer Ciara — his first wife’s names for a few months after they got married.

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