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Buck Sexton Overcame Severe Speech Impediment

One of the top talk radio hosts in the country divulged that he had to overcome a speech impediment. Buck Sexton opened up to his listeners during the nationally syndicated “Clay & Buck” show Tuesday. 

“I started doing radio in 2012,” Sexton stated. “I started at The Blaze, and it was really an online stream on Glenn Beck’s network. I am always very grateful to him and his family and his staff.” 

Sexton is also a former intelligence officer with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). He joined The Blaze in 2011 as a national security editor. A year later, he wrote his first book called Occupy: American Spring – The Making of a Revolution. 

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Sexton credited Beck with giving him his first professional break. 

“People of honor never forget who helped them,” he said. “By the way, Rush [Limbaugh] is at the very top of that list because Rush let me fill-in for him many times over the years starting in 2014 up until I became syndicated myself a few years after that.” 

Sexton told his listeners that he did not start out in life as someone who people thought would have a career in media. 

“I had a speech impediment which was very complicated,” Sexton said. “I was first aware of it in kindergarten, first grade, second grade. It was called an annunciation disorder and I had to see a speech therapist for a couple of years and my parents never gave up on me.” 

Buck, whose full name is James Buckman Sexton, said that he used to introduce himself a Butt Sexton because of the disorder that he suffered with. 

“I was falling far behind in class to the point where they thought I was going to have to be in a special school,” he said. “I had more of a behavioral problem brought on by a learning disability.” 

Sexton credited his late teacher for giving him extra tutoring and encouragement during his early years as he overcame his disorder.

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