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Craig Carton Needs Throat Surgery, But Won’t Ever Get It

WFAN afternoon host Craig Carton has one of the most distinct voices in sports radio. On Tuesday, he revealed the reason for that, saying he needs surgery to repair injuries in his throat, but it’s unlikely he’ll ever go under the knife.

A caller into Carton & Roberts noted his wife had recently given birth, and she asks him to turn off the program because she couldn’t stand Carton’s voice.

“My voice has not been great the past months — and I own that — because I need surgery,” Carton revealed.

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“You need surgery?,” questioned Evan Roberts.

“Yes, on my throat, vocal chords or whatever,” Carton said.

Roberts asked how long he would be out if he were to get the surgery, which Carton said would be a 12-week recovery.

“I can’t do it. For years, the doctors have said ‘You have a raspy voice to begin with’, kind of my calling card, I suppose. I do a lot more talking than I’ve ever done. Not smart, obviously, and this goes back years. Maybe six years ago. The guy’s like ‘Look, you don’t have growths but you’ve got stuff. I gotta operate and you’re down for 12 weeks.’ And I’m like ‘I’d still probably beat Michael Kay, but no thank you’.”

His co-host then pointed out that a 12-week break from June through August wouldn’t be a bad break, but Carton said there’s more to it than that.

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“For 12 weeks, you can’t speak at all,” Carton said noting he’d miss doing the show but having to write down all of his communication with his family would be a hassle.

Carton then joked he will do this job until his 75, but even then still will never have the surgery needed to repair his ailments.

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