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Michael Vick: Players Do Not Understand Analysts’ Job

Michael Vick is embracing his role at FOX Sports, and he’s not afraid to ruffle some feathers in the process.

Vick, who is an analyst on FOX NFL Kickoff, has drawn some criticism from players for his comments on television in recent weeks. But ahead of Super Bowl LVII, he told the Philadelphia Inquirer this week that he feels like the players misinterpret what he’s saying or what he’s suggesting gets lost in translation.

“Sometimes, the guys don’t understand this position. It makes them a little upset,” Vick said. “I try to let them know it’s not coming from a bad place — it’s coming from guys who played at the highest level. So if we’re saying something about you, and we can’t criticize you from afar, who can?”

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Vick isn’t the first one in media to say he’s caught flack by current players for what he’s said on TV. There are analysts in other sports like in the NBA who routinely have to deal with blowback from players for being critical of their play. Players feel hurt to be criticized particularly by commentators and former players in media they looked up to.

Vick added that the analysis he offers on television isn’t meant to tear people down but build them up.

“If I say something about you on TV, it’s not to criticize, but to coach,” he said.

Vick has been an analyst on FOX the last six seasons.

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