Tomi Lahren: Journalism Died on Election Night 2016


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A Florida news reporter caught on a hot mic saying her job was to make Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) “uncomfortable” has caught the ire of Tomi Lahren, saying this is proof journalism no longer exists.

First Coast News television reporter Atyia Collins was reportedly caught on a hot mic saying “My job here is to ask the tough questions and make him uncomfortable, I guess”, before adding a producer told her to “run up to him when he gets off the stage and just yell questions at him”. Collins then said she was reluctant to do so because DeSantis “already doesn’t like the media”.

During her Fox News Commentary Thursday, the host lauded Christina Pushaw, an official in the DeSantis Administration, for her response to the incident.

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“A journalist’s job is to tell the truth. Of course, speaking truth to power can make the powerful uncomfortable, but ‘discomfort’ shouldn’t be the goal — the goal should be revealing the truth,” a tweet from Pushaw read. “Pushing biased narratives with the express goal to create discomfort isn’t journalism.”

“She’s correct on every count,” Lahren said. “Folks, journalism is dead and that’s the truth, and it’s been dead since election night November 2016.”

Lahren continued by saying the “fake news media” will be on DeSantis “like bloody-thirsty vultures” should he decided to run for President in 2024.

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