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Michael Kay: Don La Greca Would Make a Fortune If He Comes Up With a Catchphrase

Michael Kay knows the value of a signature call when doing play-by-play. His Yankees home run call “See ya!” is one of the greats in baseball.

On The Michael Kay Show on Wednesday, Kay checked in with co-host Don La Greca who called Patrick Kane’s first goal Tuesday night as a member of the New York Rangers. Kay thought working “Kane is Abel” into the call would be perfect for the moment and for La Greca.

Don played his call of the goal, which was more to the point.

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“Patrick Kane, on the power play, it’s 3-1!” La Greca said.

Kay said Don ignored his advice like he wasn’t even there.

“Didn’t even care about what you said. I think I did the right thing,” La Greca responded.

Co-host Peter Rosenberg asked Kay how much he’s profited off the fact that his call is printed on merchandise, and Kay said “zero.”

“Don is just saving money he wouldn’t get anyway from having a signature call,” Rosenberg said.

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“If he did ‘Kane is Abel’ they would be selling shirts at the Garden tomorrow for the Rangers game,” Kay responded.

Don said he would just continue doing his own thing.

“I don’t do requests. You don’t write material for me,” La Greca said. “I’m my own guy.”

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