Digital video production is increasing in the news/talk space, and 1210 WPHT is the latest brand to launch a YouTube channel to accompany the efforts.
During Kayal & Company Monday morning, 1210 WPHT Brand Manager Greg Stocker told listeners about the new offering from the station, with an eye on the future.
“I realized that when eventually stream (our) shows, that we’re going to need a longform place to store this,” Stocker said. “So, 1210 WPHT has a YouTube video, that we’re recording right now. We have a page up if you want to check it out. We’ll still post everything on Instagram. We wanna build the video (and) digital component of the show.”
Nick Kayal, who joined the station in October of last year, joked that the show would eventually begin streaming in 2028.
Co-host Dawn Stensland said adding a YouTube channel was a reality for most in 2023, saying “everybody’s doing it.”