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Ben Shapiro: White House Correspondents Dinner Highlights Disconnect Between Citizens and Media

Ben Shapiro, the co-founder of The Daily Wire, criticized the White House Correspondents’ Dinner via a series of tweets on Monday. He pointed out the dangers of the media becoming too comfortable with Washington politicians.

The dinner, which took place on Saturday, was attended by various media executives and personalities from major outlets such as MSNBC, CNN, Fox News, Newsmax, and The Washington Post, among others.

Shapiro believes that the WHCD is a clear example of why Americans feel disconnected from the Washington DC elite class, who are supposed to serve as checks and balances on one another but are part of the same group.

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“The WHCD is perhaps the best example of why Americans feel alienated by the Washington DC elite class – all of whom are supposed to be checks and balances on one another, but are actually all part of the same blob,” Shapiro wrote in a Twitter thread.

The event was graced by political figures from the Republican and Democratic parties, including President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, alongside notable personalities from different fields, such as Hollywood actress Chrissy Teigen and Brittany Griner, a WNBA star who had previously been imprisoned in Russia.

“‘Hey look, it’s Joe Biden openly joking about the fact that he takes no questions – and the press are laughing uproariously as they give an award to a ‘journalist’ who writes sop pieces about him!'” Shapiro added.

During the dinner, President Biden joked about Fox News resolving its defamation lawsuit with Dominion Voting Systems and the departure of Tucker Carlson. The Aldo Beckman Award for Overall Excellence in White House Coverage was presented to Washington Post journalist Matt Viser for reporting Biden’s religious beliefs.

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