During an appearance on Fox Across America with Jimmy Failla, media columnist Joe Concha suggested that Anderson Cooper should have been fired by CNN for his remarks regarding the network following the Trump town hall event, which Kaitlin Collins moderated.
“The backlash is so bad that Anderson freaking Cooper goes on the air during his 8:00 PM show and says, and I’m paraphrasing here, ‘I don’t blame any of you, if you never want to watch this network again,’” said Concha. “I would go full (George) Steinbrenner on that guy and fire him, like mid-commercial.”
Concha asserts that Donald Trump is the frontrunner for the GOP party nomination, having garnered more votes than any previous Republican presidential candidate. Concha said Trump’s attendance at events is noteworthy and demands media coverage.
“You have this internal embarrassment at CNN that they did this town hall, so the next time I have to hear a person say, ‘they’re pivoting back to the middle,’ not they ain’t. They’re Democratic activists. My big question going forward is that are all the other news organizations, not named Fox, going to look at all the hashtag boycott CNN posts and look at those and say maybe we shouldn’t put Trump on either.”
Concha also suggested that mainstream media outlets may be hesitant to cover events involving Trump due to the influence of cancel culture. Some activists masquerade as journalists may attempt to suppress coverage of the former president.
“It’s so embarrassing for people who claim they’re not biased,” added Failla.
Cooper, however, has received backlash from those on the other side of the political aisle for his statements that were in defense of the network’s decision to hold the town hall event.
“Do you think staying in your silo and only listening to people you agree with is going to make that person go away? If we all only listen to those we agree with, it may actually do the opposite,” Cooper said.