Friday, October 4, 2024
Jim Cutler Voiceovers
Barrett Media Member of the Week


Shane Riordan Returns to 670 The Score, Apologizes For Attack on Dan Proft

Shane Riordan was back on 670 The Score with Parkins & Spiegel on Thursday afternoon. The show opened with an apology from him and a promise from the hosts.

“I feel horrible,” Riordan said.
“Last week I made an immature joke and offended a lot of people. I am better than that. I hate sitting here and I’ve hated sitting here for the last week knowing that I made anyone feel less than. A moment on the radio show went too far and that’s something that was caused by me.”

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On Friday, while railing against local conservative talk host Dan Proft, Riordan joked that he would have sex with Proft’s mother if he brought her to the studio. He had not been on the air with the rest of Parkins & Spiegel since.

“You’ve got no clue how bad I feel for putting you guys, my crew on the show here, in a position that you had no business being in, and I’m sorry to anyone who was made to feel horrible due to a decision I made,” he concluded.

Matt Speigel told listeners that Shane Riordan has his and Danny Parkins’s support. He added that everyone on the show understands that the segment got out of control and the comments and reaction were not appropriate for the air.

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“A ton of different situations and bits of content come our way,” he said. “We work really hard to be informative and entertaining, and sometimes a line is crossed and we try to help each other in those situations. There are many ways to steer a conversation. I plan to work even harder to keep that kind of thing in mind, and our goal every day is just to make people happy that they invested time with us. I look forward to getting back to that.”

“I obviously own my role in what happened,” Parkins added. “Our goal is to have fun, and I think that that’s what we do the vast majority of the time, even if a line was crossed as it was. So I’m glad that the crew is back.”

Dan Proft tweeted earlier this week that he does not want Riordan or anyone else fired.

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  1. Among the lamest apologies out there from all 3 of them..turned into a “We love you Shane” segment. Shane, nor the other two named no names to whom they were apologizing to. They pulled in Amy Jacobson, did the usual “bikini” talk of her, threatened her if they see her in Chicago and Parkins even included her in his ” I hate them” ramp after saying he has no idea who they or she is–yet never apoligized to her, or Dan Proft. Lame, Lame, Lame…These frat boys will do it again–this is Strike two for Spiegel–look up the Dan Bernstein boobs incident he was involved in. This same bunch goes after Sports stars, owners, management all the time on their show for doing these lame kinds of apologies. SCORE is full of hypocrites—preaching, self righteous. All started when Dan Bernstein and Terry Boers made fun of Ron Santos amputated legs due to diabetes complications–local Sports Media in Print BEGGED them to stop the bit–they didnt, they doubled down with it and Mgt at SCORE stayed out of the way. These 3 will Do it again.

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