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Michael Berry: Joe Rogan Podcast Success ‘Infuriates’ Prominent Radio Hosts

The Joe Rogan Experience is the most popular podcast in the United States, and radio host Michael Berry believes that fact angers many conservative radio hosts.

During a discussion centered on Rogan during The Michael Berry Show Monday, the Houston-based host argued that there are several reasons why the stand-up comedian’s success sticks in the craw of prominent radio voices.

“There are some folks in conservative media who not only don’t like Joe Rogan, they despise Joe Rogan. And this is an undercurrent that runs through a lot of commentary on Rogan. Some folks ignore him. And some folks take jabs and I will tell you — as a person in this industry — that a lot of that is due to jealousy…And every media personality wants to be the biggest media personality in the country. And they pay their dues, and they feel like they’re kind of getting where they need to go.

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“Then a guy like Joe Rogan comes along. Rogan is an outlier because he’s a guy who didn’t come up through the radio business, who created this incredible, monstrously large audience, that is a tribe. A cult of following. And they don’t just watch or listen. They’re really, really loyal to him. This makes other people angry. ‘Why can’t I generate that?’ And some really big names feel this way. They can’t help themselves. They reveal it.

“Rogan infuriates people, for the reasons that he didn’t come up, didn’t pay his dues, and his audience is quite unique.”

Berry argued that conservative media voices should welcome Rogan because “he’s doing some good for our cause” when it comes to certain topics.

“He brought a lot of people to the table. A lot of people to the table to pay attention to what’s going on in politics and culture in this country,” Berry concluded, saying Rogan’s influence in comedy and MMA alone should be celebrated.

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