Peter Rosenberg on Craig Carton’s WFAN Exit: ‘Ya Can’t Write It’


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Everyone has an opinion about Craig Carton. Peter Rosenberg, one of his chief rivals on New York sports radio is no exception.

Following news breaking that Carton was leaving WFAN at the end of the month, the Michael Kay Show co-host took to Twitter to voice his disapproval.

“Lol this dude committed fraud, embarrassed the whole station, went to jail, was accepted back by them, did well, and immediately leaves for more money… wow ya can’t write it [sic],” he said.

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It isn’t the first time Rosenberg has lashed out at Carton on Twitter without tagging the WFAN host or using his name. On May 5, he sent two tweets that did not name anyone, but clearly referenced a bit on Carton & Roberts that involved Craig Carton “firing” the show’s producer.

Some listeners pushed back on Rosenberg. He did not back off his comments. When one said that Craig Carton was a story of redemption, he fired back “second chances are earned with being a good person”. He responded to another who said it was “infuriating” that Rosenberg wouldn’t acknowledge “true redemption” by saying that person was “totally missing the point.”

Peter Rosenberg has never been shy about how he feels about Craig Carton. When Carton sat in on an episode of The Michael Kay Show in 2019, Rosenberg told Carton to his face that he “could not stand” him.

Craig Carton’s last day on air at WFAN will be June 30. He will be fully focused on his TV show The Carton Show on FS1. At that time, he will have been with the station for just over two and a half years.

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