Sunday, October 27, 2024
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Dan Bongino is Calling Out the Communists

In a viral clip making the rounds on social media over the weekend, conservative radio host Dan Bongino went right after the dark, communist overtones permeating many of our highest institutions, and emanating from many in America’s current leadership.

“Kamala Harris really kinda lays out the why. Why liberals think the way they do,” Bongino began, as he previewed two clips of the Vice President. “I’m going to show you these two clips on equity. Equity is the new liberal buzz term for, basically, communism. It is. The idea that everybody should have an equal outcome in life.

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“Now, ladies and gentlemen, outcome is an output, what you put out. Your outcome is you’re a CEO or a doctor, that’s a result of your output. You did this in school, which led to you getting into medical school, which led to you getting a residency, which led to this. Those variables are the inputs. Those variables are infinite,” Bongino said, on The Dan Bongino Show. “Work ethic, smarts, sweat equity. Yes, a lot of luck sometimes. People who made their own luck by just taking a lot of chances. Liberals don’t want any of that.” 

Bongino made his case, leading up to the first of two clips from Harris’ speeches.

“Liberals hate merit. They hate a meritocracy. Liberals hate the idea of free will, then liberals want to control everything. When liberals talk about equity, they’re not talking about equality. They’re talking about equity,” Bongino, the former Secret Service agent, said. “What’s the difference? Well, let Kamala Harris in these two clips sum it up for you.”

“Equality suggests often everybody should get the same thing. Well, that often assumes everybody started out in the same place. As opposed to equity, which is everybody should end up in the same place,” Harris said in a clip from the past. “And if you then understand not everybody started out in the same place, you understand some people need more, so we all end up in the same place.”

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“I want to explain the why here,” Bongino said. “You understand what she’s saying? She’s saying that everybody should end up in the same place. Now, the same place she’s talking about, we need to be crystal clear on. It’s not a place of wealth or prosperity. She’ll tell you that. Oh equity, meaning everyone should have a beautiful house and a white picket fence and a dog and 2.15 kids. Or you should have no kids, the China one child policy. But you get the point, not to get off track. That’s not what she’s talking about. The reality of forced equity on everyone has been shown through history, over and over, through the implementation of communism, to result in what? Starvation and body bags.” 

For 2,000 years humans have generally yearned to live in opposition to communist ideals, understanding such principles as “blessed are those who feed the hungry” and “those who don’t work, don’t eat.” The Bible and America’s foundational Protestant ethic have always valued the dignity of work and enjoying the fruits of one’s labor, while at the same time helping those who need a hand or cannot help themselves. These, among others now being chipped away by secular culture and media, are the principles that formed the foundation of America and other modern, democratic, societies. 

It’s no surprise, then, that Marx and today’s Democrats deride religion at any chance, shifting the focus arrogantly to themselves and to government control rather than an individual’s sovereignty. It was Marx who said, “”Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand.” In other words, government knows best. Only a small-minded person hangs their hat on God or personal freedom. The government must make things equal.

Sound familiar?

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“When you steal from one person to give to another person, to level out their outcome and their output, eventually the person who produced due to hard work, who has to give to the person who did nothing, stops producing,” Bongino said, echoing the theme of Ayn Rand’s timeless classic novel, Atlas Shrugged. “And what happens? They both starve. The essence of equity, ironically, of the liberal principle of equity, is that it requires you via government fiat and force to treat people unequally.”

Karl Marx, Saul Alinsky, Barack Obama and their adherents hoped they’d eventually be able to infiltrate the world’s last bastion of freedom from the inside, duping and bamboozling the masses with noble-sounding language. Much of today’s media, along with Hollywood, popular culture and the political establishment of both parties, advance the same sentiment with their own levers of influence.

“The whole principle of communist equity, which is what it is, is that you have to be treated unequally by the government. You are no longer entitled to the fruits of your own merit and work,” Bongino said. 

Harris doubled down on the divisive ideology during a more recent speech.

“We have always fought for equality. But now we are also talking much more, rightly, about equity,” Harris admitted out loud. “Understanding that we must be clear-eyed about the fact that, yes, we want everyone to get an equal amount. That sounds right. But not everyone starts out from the same place.” 

Dan Bongino concluded by warning against the perilous future that awaits a nation who follows this ideology.

“Do you understand when she says everybody’s going to get an equal amount, that that so-called equal amount comes from you?” Bongino asked. “The reason some other people don’t get an equal amount is, yes, sometimes it’s bad luck. But a lot of times it’s not. The reason they don’t get an equal amount is because they don’t put in an equal amount of work. It’s as simple as that. So you’re going to work harder to give someone else more, who work less.”

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Rick Schultz
Rick Schultz
Rick Schultz is a former Sports Director for WFUV Radio at Fordham University. He has coached and mentored hundreds of Sports Broadcasting students at the Connecticut School of Broadcasting, Marist College and privately. His media career experiences include working for the Hudson Valley Renegades, Army Sports at West Point, The Norwich Navigators, 1340/1390 ESPN Radio in Poughkeepsie, NY, Time Warner Cable TV, Scorephone NY, Metro Networks, NBC Sports, ABC Sports, Cumulus Media, Pamal Broadcasting and WATR. He has also authored a number of books including "A Renegade Championship Summer" and "Untold Tales From The Bush Leagues". To get in touch, find him on Twitter @RickSchultzNY.

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