Thursday, September 19, 2024
Jim Cutler Voiceovers
Barrett Media Member of the Week


Joe Pags: Reporters Are Asking Legitimate Questions About White House Cocaine

Some reporters are questioning whether the cocaine found in the White House belongs to a member of President Joe Biden’s family. On Friday, talk show host Joe Pags expressed his belief that it is acceptable for reporters to ask such questions. 

Karine Jean Pierre, the White House Press Secretary, is criticized for giving vague responses to challenging questions during her daily press briefings. 

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“Of course, that’s a journalistic question; it’s a good journalistic question,” said Pags. “The reporter simply wants Karine Jean Pierre to say, ‘There is no chance it is not the Biden Family’s cocaine.’ Something she refuses to say, she won’t say it. Let me bring this point out that people forgot. Hunter Biden has been at the White House a lot lately. Hunter Biden is a drug addict.”  

During a daily White House press briefing, a reporter from The New York Post asked White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre if the cocaine found in the West Wing belonged to a member of the Biden family. The press secretary responded defensively and expressed frustration about the question while also questioning why deputy press Secretary Andrew Bates cited the Hatch Act when asked about the cocaine the day before. 

“Joe Biden has admitted that his son had a problem with drugs,” Pags added. “So, it is not beyond the pale to say, ‘Was it the Biden family’s cocaine?’ The press secretary, through her righteous indignation, her annoying voice, has decided not to answer the question.”  

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The location where the cocaine was discovered was near the Situation Room, a restricted area only accessible to a select few individuals.  

“The person who brought the cocaine into the White House was not patted down or scanned for drugs,” he added. 

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