Dana Loesch: Jim Acosta Interrupted Press Briefings More Than Simon Ateba


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The White House has reportedly informed Today News Africa reporter Simon Ateba that his press credentials will be revoked if he does not stop interrupting press briefings. Dana Loesch questioned why something similar didn’t happen to CNN’s Jim Acosta.

During The Dana Show Thursday, Loesch welcomed Ateba to the program to tell his side of the story. Before the interview, Loesch claimed that Ateba isn’t nearly as guilty of being a nuisance at White House press briefings as Acosta.

“I remember specifically — this was what a couple of years ago — when Jim Acosta was at a press briefing, and he got up and he was always argumentative, and he always interrupted everything. He actually interrupted,” Loesch argued. “He would shout over other journalists. It was every single news conference to memory or press availability to memory.

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“He actually put his hands on one of the White House aides because he was they were gonna have a tug-of-war over the microphone. And I remember all of the journalists rushed to his defense. Not all, but most of them rushed to his defense. They were so upset when the Trump administration was discussing a penalty for Jim Acosta,” she continued. “And I just thought that was kind of interesting. There were these accusations that the administration was somehow stepping all over the sanctity of the free press and the I mean it was like King George all over again.”

Loesch insinuated that any rebuke of Ateba from the Biden administration was retaliation for his difficult questions.

“He asks very well-informed questions,” concluded Loesch. “He pushes for answers, and this makes the administration furious, particularly Karine Jean-Pierre.”

It is not the first time Loesch has defended Ateba. Earlier this year, she claimed she was “shocked” by how other reporters treated him, before saying that he is “one of the few real journalists left in the world”.

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