2024 Republican Presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy went on a miniature press tour Sunday, appearing on both NBC’s Meet the Press and CNN’s Inside Politics. It was the interview with CNN’s Dana Bash that caught the ire of WMAL host Chris Plante.
During The Chris Plante Show Monday, the Washington D.C.-based host took issue with the way Bash conducted the interview.
“Joe Biden won’t debate anybody, but Vivek Ramaswamy went on CNN and then you get what you expect from CNN,” said Plante before saying the interview was more of an interrogation.
After playing a clip of the exchange between Bash and Ramaswamy that turned contentious, Plante sarcastically said “You should interrupt him. I think maybe you should interrupt him and not let him finish his sentence….First of all, you just cut me off like 35 times,” Chris Plante continued.
“And I didn’t express anything that would advocate violence and you guys have been burning our cities for years now. Sacking and plundering and looting our stores, and burning police stations and police cars, and injuring thousands, murdering dozens.”
“Seig heil. Because CNN? It’s a party front group,” Plante concluded.