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KXEL’s Jeff Stein: News/Talk Can Be A Catalyst For Voter Participation in Iowa

With the 2024 Republican Presidential race heating up, many candidates have turned their focus to Iowa. While the state’s caucuses won’t happen for another five months, that doesn’t mean it isn’t the center of the conservative political world. And KXEL Program Director Jeff Stein believes that’s a good thing for both his station and his listeners.

KXEL, a news/talk station in Waterloo, hosted an event dubbed the Caucus Cookout last weekend, a listener appreciation event. At the event, held at the National Cattle Congress fairgrounds, nearly half of the campaigns for Republican hopefuls participated.

“The more candidates we can place in front of our listeners in person, in addition to our radio interviews, the better the chance that people will participate in the process and make good choices,” Stein said.

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“Our job is not to play favorites or pick winners; our job is to make sure all voices are given a fair chance to be heard.”

In addition to serving as the station’s Program Director, Jeff Stein also hosts a mid-morning show on the Iowa news/talk station.

The 2024 Iowa Caucuses are scheduled for Monday, January 15th.

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