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Erick Erickson: The New York Times is Preparing Negative Stories on President Biden

Syndicated radio host Erick Erickson said the media has resorted to dismissing former President Obama to prop up President Joe Biden.  

“If you are a long-time listener of this program, you will recall the trip I took to Washington in September or October of 2022,” he said. “I was doing some press gaggles with press members trying to assess the lay of the land and how things would play out for the GOP.”  

During the trip, Erickson said there was growing concern among the Democrat party that Joe Biden was a political liability. He noted multiple press members for various media outlets told him that The New York Times was working on a story that portrayed Biden negatively.  

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“It would begin once the election was over, and the bloodbath had been seen for the Democrats to push Joe Biden out,” he said. “He would be a one-term president. That never happened. The Democrats did far better in the midterm election than people thought. Part of it was abortion, but a lot of it was, contrary to what a lot of Trump supporters say was the defend democracy thing.”  

Erick Erickson added that President Biden runs ads during 60 Minutes after NFL Sunday more than a year after the 2024 presidential election, which doesn’t bode well for his party.  

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