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Travis Rodgers: ‘I’m a Little Skeptical’ of Netflix Sports Documentaries

Netflix on Wednesday released a trailer for an upcoming four-part docuseries on soccer legend David Beckham, and 710 ESPN host Travis Rodgers isn’t sure how to feel about it.

On Travis & Sliwa on Wednesday, Rodgers explained that on the one hand, he’s going to check the series out so that he can potentially learn something new about a superstar athlete he wasn’t all that familiar with. On the other hand, not having that familiarity will prevent him from maybe looking at the show with a little more critical eye.

“I don’t know anything about him other than he’s wildly famous and married to a Spice Girl,” he said. “That’s really all I know about him. So I won’t have the base of knowledge to say, ‘Ehh that’s not quite how that went.'”

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Travis added that other Netflix series like Untold has made him leery of having high expectations.

“They’re so deeply flawed that I just can assume that this one will be too,” he said. “I’m a little skeptical when that brand is on it, what’s actually in it.”

Rodgers explained that he would much rather have a series that tells stories from different angles rather than perhaps a one-sided story from one person.

“We’ve entered this phase of sports documentaries where the participants are involved in them I’m instantly skeptical of what’s in it,” he said. “Because do you think Michael Jordan would have ever done something like The Last Dance if he didn’t have sign-off on it? Of course not he’s Michael Jordan and he probably doesn’t need to. But the biographies that we see of famous people that are not just unauthorized hatchet jobs but that take a story and tell it from this side, that side and the truth is probably somewhere in the middle.”

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