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Ben Shapiro: I’ve Seen No Pushback on My Views About Attacks in Israel

Syndicated radio host Ben Shapiro told Piers Morgan that he’s had nothing but positive feedback since he shared an emotional monologue about the war in Israel.

Shapiro, who is Jewish, says he was in Israel recently and was advised by his security team about the terrorist attacks by Hamas. Shapiro has been sharing videos and commenting about videos of the attacks on his social media accounts.

“There’s a reason I’m doing this,” he said. “There’s an intellectual self-centeredness that predominates among a lot of people in the West. They think everybody thinks like them. They see people do something truly evil and think to themselves, ‘Well, that is terrible — but the only reason I would do something like that is if something truly awful happened to me’. After all, people are generally reasonable, generally peaceable, generally decent, aren’t they? What awful circumstance could force someone into such terrible, evil behavior?”

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He told Morgan on his Uncensored show that the reaction from his audience has been “overwhelmingly positive.”

“I think there are a lot of people, not only Jews, mostly my audience is people who are not Jewish, who understand the history of the Jewish people, who understand what it means when the greatest slaughter of Jews on a mass scale happens since the Holocaust. It is inextricably linked to a history of Antisemitism.”

X users criticized Shapiro when he quoted content from the UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Palestine. Ben Shapiro remarked, “And they can f*** right off.”

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